Road Trip Essentials

Hi! It’s been a while since my last post. I was on vacation in Kelowna and now I am back in town. During my road trip there, I thought I would write up a post about the items that I take with me and just some tips of what to bring…. so here it is, a week later!

I’m writing this post while on a road trip. As I sat here wondering why our dog doesn’t want to hang out with me, I realized that I could write a post of my essentials on a road trip! Thanks for the idea, Tofu!


The number one thing I think about if I’m going on a road trip is how I will entertain myself for hours. There’s a variety of things you can do, the easiest one is to socialize with your car mates. But if that’s not really an option (most people would probably fall asleep and not have to worry about entertaining themselves, lucky people!) then you have to find other fun things to do!

I’m typing this entry on my phone, so I bring that of course. I don’t have data throughout the province (please extend your range, Freedom!), so I’ll edit some photos through Snapseed and listen to music with headphones or earbuds so that I don’t distract anyone. If there’s any offline games I can play (not really) then I’ll play those too.

Of course I’ll probably run out of ideas and photos to edit, so another essential is my Nintendo 3DS. Consider bringing your favourite console and make sure it’s fully charged! I don’t play my 3DS as often, so I usually bring one game cartridge and play whatever trials or games I have installed on my SD card/device. This helps lessen the amount of stuff you need to bring. If you’re curious, I’m currently playing Pokemon Shuffle!


Bring a book! Or an ebook! I’ve brought my KOBO Glo ebook with me preloaded with some books. I prefer ebooks since I only need to bring one item and not multiple books that could take up a lot of space. Once I have access to Internet, I can always download some more books.


Sleeping is also another option. I envy people who can sleep almost the entire ride! I usually like staying awake so that I’m aware of my surroundings, but it is nice to sneak in a nap or two.


If you’re somewhat of a germaphobe like me, this will probably be a priority!

If you will not be stopping at places with washrooms and sinks with soap and paper towels, I recommend bringing some hand sanitizer (73% or more!), paper soap, a few bottles of water, wet wipes and towels. We usually use hand sanitizer and wet wipes after using the outhouse. But if you have paper soap or regular soap and some water bottles that you can use to wash your hands, it would be more effective!


I also bring some Lysol wipes with me to wipe down my phone and other devices, and anything else that isn’t my hands to disinfect. It’s great to have in the car!


Prepare some food!

Pack some food that won’t need a cooler and pack food that will actually keep you full throughout the ride. We usually get some Vietnamese subs and pack apples and bananas. And of course, pack water! I would not recommend freezing water bottles as they make take long to melt. If you want your water to be cool, just put some ice cubes inside a reusable water bottle instead of disposable one.

What are your road trip essentials? Let me know in the comments below!

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